About us
We are a new brand which has been born into the firearms industry. It's time to create a new approach.
After looking at alternatives
Our journey began in 2012
We are a licensed Firearms Manufacturer (FFL-07) based in Oregon and are as adamant of firearms enthusiasts as anyone, so much so that we decided to design and build innovative custom parts and accessories for the tactical rifle market.

A perfect fit for your every day life
Designed to be versatile
We’re looking forward to serving our customers with some of the best tactical related products, parts, accessories and services that we can provide for the foreseeable future. We have numerous design concepts that we would like to fully develop and bring to market as soon as possible.
Simplicity in design and form
We’re just getting started
Our near term goals are to introduce more products for the 80% Lower market including our AR-9 design, as well as broaden our product offerings by making available various options such as Pictogram markings, adding LightWeight features and Skeletonized Mag-wells. We’ve also designed, and are actively developing matching Upper Receivers for all of our 80 Percent Lowers.
For the long term, we are working on a new pistol-carbine weapon system, and we are also developing an AR 15 based weapon design which might be a possible replacement for the US Military’s M-4/M-16 systems. We like to think really big.